The Executive Summary of the Evaluation Report
In October 2019, on a pro bono basis, Drs Absler and Mitchell conducted an independent evaluation of the Thursday Girls Group. Thursday Girls Group is very appreciative of this.
For the full Evaluation Report, please contact the facilitators.
Therapy with Women with Metastatic Breast Cancer
Beacham B, Hill C, McDermott F, O’Brien M & Turner J. (2005). Therapy with women with metastatic breast cancer, Australasian Psychiatry, Vol 13.
Supportive-Expressive Group Therapy For Women with Metastatic Breast Cancer: Survival and Psychosocial Outcome
Kissane, D., Grabsch, B., Clarke, D., Smith, G., Love, A., Bloch, S., Snyder, R., & Li, Y. (2007). Supportive-expressive group therapy for women with metastatic breast cancer: survival and psychosocial outcome from a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Psycho-Oncology, 16, 277-287
Supportive-Expressive Group Therapy: The Transformation Of Existential Ambivalence Into Creative Living
Kissane, D.W., Grabsch, B. Clarke, D.M., Christie, G., Clifton, D., Gold, S., Hill, C., Morgan, A., McDermott, F., Smith, G.C. 2004 ‘Supportive-expressive group therapy: the transformation of existential ambivalence into creative living while enhancing adherence to anti-cancer therapies’, Psycho-Oncology, Vol. 13, Issue 11, pp. 755-7
A Life to Live, by The Thursday Girls. Melbourne 2004
The Thursday Girls. A Life to Live: a group journey with advanced breast cancer. PsychOz Publications, Melbourne (2004)
Warning: This book was published in 2004. Since then there have been many medical breakthroughs in cancer treatment. The Thursday Girls do not feel this book demonstrates the sense of hope and optimism that they mostly feel. We include it here because we think it is of interest and has historical value in tracking the story of the group.